Contact Us

Below you will find PDS’s main and satellite office locations, mailing addresses, and contact information.  Should you require further assistance, please call or visit the main office.

  1. PDS Main Office and Address
  2. Human Resources
  3. Criminal Law Internship Program
  4. Office of Rehabilitation and Development
  5. Mental Health Division
  6. Defender Services Office
  7. Prisoner & Reentry Legal Services (Community Defender Division)
  8. Juvenile Services Program (Community Defender Division)

PDS Main Office and Address

The Public Defender Service
for the District of Columbia
633 Indiana Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20004

Toll Free: (800) 341-2582
Tel: (202) 628-1200
TTY: (202) 824-2531
Fax: (202) 824-2423

The office is one block from the Archives/Navy Memorial Metro stop (Green and Yellow Lines).

Human Resources

Public Defender Service
for the District of Columbia
633 Indiana Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20004
Tel: (202) 628-1200

Legal Recruitment

Jennifer K. Thomas, Esquire
Legal Recruiting Manager

Public Defender Service
for the District of Columbia
633 Indiana Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20004
Tel: (202) 824-2337
Fax: (202) 824-2137

Criminal Law Internship Program

Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia
Criminal Law Internship Program

633 Indiana Avenue, N.W. 
Washington, D.C.  20004
Tel: (202) 628-1200, (202) 824-2307, or (202) 824-2375
Email the PDS Internship Program

Office of Rehabilitation and Development

Office Address:
601 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. 
Suite 110
Washington, D.C.  20004
Tel: (202) 824-2349
Fax: (202) 824-2362

Mailing Address:
633 Indiana Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004

Mental Health Division

633 Indiana Avenue, N.W. 
Washington, D.C.  20004
Tel: (202) 824-2860
Fax: (202) 824-2877

Defender Services Office

500 Indiana Avenue, N.W.
Room C-215
Washington, D.C.  20001
Tel: (202) 824-2830
Fax: (202) 879-1468

Community Defender Division
1442 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E.
2nd Floor
Washington, D.C.  20003
Tel: (202) 824-2801
Fax: (202) 824-2819

Juvenile Services Program

Community Defender Division
1442 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E.
2nd Floor
Washington, D.C.  20003
Tel: (202) 824-2801
Tel: (800) 341-2582

Youth Services Center (YSA)
1000 Mount Olivet Road, N.E.
Washington, D.C.  20002
Tel: (202) 576-8368

New Beginnings Youth Development Center
8400 River Road
Laurel, MD 20724
Tel: (202) 299-3223 or (202) 299-3132